Scientific research
Science lies at the heart of PolyOmica. Our research interests range from human complex traits and common diseases to omics (genomics, glycomics, metabolomics and metagenomics) to the development of new statistical models to analyses of these big datasets.
Publicly funded research projects
We have been involved in two omics-related EU-funded FP7-HEALTH projects, MIMOmics and Pain-Omics. In MIMOmics, which was dedicated to the development of methods for integrated analysis of multiple omics datasets, PolyOmica lead the work package on “Data integration and distributing computing”. In Pain-Omics, which applies a multi-dimensional omics approach to stratification of patients with low back pain, we lead the work package on “Integrated models for identification of biomarkers and potential new therapeutic targets”. In both projects, we worked closely with providers of biotechnology and clinical data on subjects of quality control, signal extraction and data analysis.

We were also a partner organisation of the IMforFUTURE Marie Curie Innovative Training Network funded by the EU H2020 programme. IMforFUTURE is an innovative multidisciplinary and intersectoral research training programme which addresses current shortcomings in omics research by developing innovative methods for high throughput omics and for integrative analysis of omics data. Through this project we contributed to understanding of the underlying biological processes involved in diseases and ageing.
Privately funded research
For our private customers we provide various solutions, ranging from “you bring the samples, we will report the findings” to advice on how to best perform certain analyses or set up study design and experiments.