Tag: Emacs

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Weekly Emacs tip #6: highlight uncommitted changes: diff-hl

After enabling diff-hl-mode by Github user dgutov any lines with uncommitted changes in a (version controlled) file will be highlighted in the margin. In large files, for example, this makes it easy to spot the sections that you have edited. Here is how I enable diff-hl-mode for all files: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Enable diff-hl-mode (https://github.com/dgutov/diff-hl) to […]

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Weekly Emacs tip #3: Automatically balance your delimiters with electric-pair-mode

This week’s tip is about balancing delimiters like parentheses, brackets, quotes, etc. The built-in electric-pair-mode does the following then enabled (copied from the manual, emphasis mine): Electric Pair mode, a global minor mode, provides a way to easily insert matching delimiters: parentheses, braces, brackets, etc. Whenever you insert an opening delimiter, the matching closing delimiter […]

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