Tag: Linux

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Weekly Emacs tip #8: Getting help: the C-h prefix

This week, another “tip” that is both a tip and some background information. Emacs has been called the self-documenting editor. The first time may very well have been in the 1981 paper by Richard Stallman titled EMACS the extensible, customizable self-documenting display editor (https://doi.org/10.1145/872730.806466). The Emacs manual describes it in the following way: Self-documenting means […]

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Weekly Emacs tip #6: highlight uncommitted changes: diff-hl

After enabling diff-hl-mode by Github user dgutov any lines with uncommitted changes in a (version controlled) file will be highlighted in the margin. In large files, for example, this makes it easy to spot the sections that you have edited. Here is how I enable diff-hl-mode for all files: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Enable diff-hl-mode (https://github.com/dgutov/diff-hl) to […]

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Weekly Emacs tip #3: Automatically balance your delimiters with electric-pair-mode

This week’s tip is about balancing delimiters like parentheses, brackets, quotes, etc. The built-in electric-pair-mode does the following then enabled (copied from the manual, emphasis mine): Electric Pair mode, a global minor mode, provides a way to easily insert matching delimiters: parentheses, braces, brackets, etc. Whenever you insert an opening delimiter, the matching closing delimiter […]

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ZFS compression saves disk space

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The joys of ZFS: transparent compression

One of the great things of ZFS is its built-in compression capability. Enabling compression on a ZFS filesystem allows you to save a significant amount of space, especially in a field like ours where one sometimes needs to use large plain text files. It is completely transparent: the user doesn’t notice anything. Well… unless they […]

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Linux commandline

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Case study: The “Linux for scientists” course

Basic Linux command line skills are essential for researchers working in omics science and other fields revolving around big data. In collaboration with the Genetic Epidemiology group of the Erasmus University Medical Centre in Rotterdam, NL, we developed a course called “Linux for scientists” which has been running since 2011. Linux command line skills are […]

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